Tips + Tricks

Here is where I'll add tips or tricks that are helpful to everyone. Hope you Enjoy!

~A lot of people know to use baby shampoo to deep clean yours brushes, but did you know gentle face cleansers will do the same thing! Also I have used Pert Shampoo (inexpensive shampoo) on my brushes and it works quickly and makes my brushes fluffier as well :).

~To lighten my hair I have given up on Sun-in and have gone to the old remedy of lemon juice. I never have it come out looking horrible and makes my hair smell nice and citrusey!

~I get so annoyed with my foam flip flops. No matter how clean my feet are I still start to get that black foot imprint on my flip flops. So what I do is I buy dobie sponges and scrub the flip flop with dish soap. Use this on SOLID COLORED flip flops. This will also work with a hand brush.(VIDEO COMING SOON!)

~When my eyes get red and puffy from staying up late or being on the computer too much, I wet tea bags with warm water, squeeze out the access water and close my eyes and set them on top. If it's tea with caffine I noticed this also helps with dark circles.(Chilled Spoons work as well)